Dr. Adarsh Bhaskaran - Alveda

Dr. Adarsh Bhaskaran

I am a doctor hailng from Kerala India. I have a Degree in Ayurveda and Modern Medicine. I completed my Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from Kerala University and Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from Kerala University of health

Dr. Adarsh Bhaskaran

Joint Pain

I am a doctor hailng from Kerala India. I have a Degree in Ayurveda and Modern Medicine. I completed my Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from Kerala University and Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from Kerala University of health science.
Area of my expertise includes general practice in Ayurveda and modern medicine and all joint-related diseases and lifestyle disease like diabetes mellitus, hypertension stress-related diseases, etc.


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