Dr. Ajith Jose - Alveda

Dr. Ajith Jose

I am Dr. Ajith Jose, Senior Ayurveda Physician, completed my Ayurveda degree from Vaidyaratnam Ayu. College in 2001.Along with my College Education, got trained in the “Gurukulam’ (Old School) Method with my Guru-Sri Vaidyabhooshanam Raghavan Thirumulpad from 1995-2003.I have 20 years of experience as an

Dr. Ajith Jose

Autoimmune Disorders

I am Dr. Ajith Jose, Senior Ayurveda Physician, completed my Ayurveda degree from Vaidyaratnam Ayu. College in 2001.
Along with my College Education, got trained in the “Gurukulam’ (Old School) Method with my Guru-Sri Vaidyabhooshanam Raghavan Thirumulpad from 1995-2003.
I have 20 years of experience as an Ayurveda Physician in both OP and IP Departments.
I am now focusing on Special Ayurvedic care for diabetic patients, who suffer from Insulin Resistance, both in Type 1 & 2 Diabetes, Erectile Dysfunction, Diabetic Neuropathy (DN), Vasculopathy, Sensory Loss, nonhealing ulcers, etc.
I am also giving special attention to Chronic problems that are resistant or recurring, most of them can be cured with Ayurveda treatment along with counseling.


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