Dr. Jayesh Thakkar - Alveda

Dr. Jayesh Thakkar

I am an Ayurveda practitioner specializing in managing Skin and Lifestyle Disorders with Ayurveda. I guide my patients with diet, lifestyle suggestions, and prescribing medicine for holistic healing. I am also an Ayurvedic doctor for skin treatment and an Ayurvedic doctor of diabetes who has

Dr. Jayesh Thakkar

Autoimmune Disorders

I am an Ayurveda practitioner specializing in managing Skin and Lifestyle Disorders with Ayurveda. I guide my patients with diet, lifestyle suggestions, and prescribing medicine for holistic healing.

I am also an Ayurvedic doctor for skin treatment and an Ayurvedic doctor of diabetes who has successfully treated acute and chronic Gastric disorders, Joint pains, Diabetes, Skin, and Hair issues.
I will make you understand the disease and cure it thoughtfully to ensure there is no relapse.
I prescribe medicine and carefully explain the art of Pathya-Apathya (Do’s-Don’ts) in your food and routine. I learned the science of Ayurveda from various teachers, and I keep improving my knowledge with short advanced courses. I have completed a BAMS course from Kolkata, India, from one of the oldest Ayurveda teaching institutions.

Ayurveda is the way of living – a precise art and guide to health & happiness, a practical science. I happily dedicated my entire life to the practice of it.


Chikitsak by Zandu Ayurveda (2020-21)


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