Dr. Sandhya Lakshmi - Alveda

Dr. Sandhya Lakshmi

Hi, I am an experienced authentic Ayurveda consulting physician with a passion.I treat through Ayurvedic understanding of diseases and healing through food and good lifestyle practices rather than just “popping pills for different ills”! I am a Panchakarma specialist that is a powerful Bio-Purification process

Dr. Sandhya Lakshmi

Autoimmune Disorders

Hi, I am an experienced authentic Ayurveda consulting physician with a passion.
I treat through Ayurvedic understanding of diseases and healing through food and good lifestyle practices rather than just “popping pills for different ills”!

I am a Panchakarma specialist that is a powerful Bio-Purification process and a famous Ayurvedic Detox treatment.
I am very well versed in specialized Diet and Nutrition for each body type. Also, I am a Certified Yoga Instructor.

I know from my experience that a healthy gut is the basis of both body and mind health. You can successfully use Ayurveda for digestive problems and thus treat your entire body. Come to Ayurvedic doctors for skin treatment, and we will start with your food. Ayurveda helps tremendously in balancing your body. I offer solutions that work through a holistic, simplistic approach. Do you want to live with minimalistic medications and no suffering?


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