Managing High Blood Pressure with Ayurvedic Approaches - Alveda

Managing High Blood Pressure with Ayurvedic Approaches

Managing High Blood Pressure with Ayurvedic Approaches

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, has become a widespread health issue, affecting millions of people globally in today’s fast-paced world. Many individuals are seeking natural solutions to treat their high blood pressure, even though there are numerous conventional medicines available to avoid lifelong consumption of medicine and target reversal of the disease. Also, there are numerous side effects associated with anti-hypertensive drugs. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian holistic medical system, which focuses on dietary adjustments, stress reduction methods, herbal or natural medicines, and scientific  lifestyle changes to provide a comprehensive approach to treating hypertension.

What is High Blood Pressure?

When there is a constant force of blood on the arterial walls, it is called hypertension, or high blood pressure. It causes damage to various organs like the heart, kidneys, and blood vessels for years without being noticed, which is why it is commonly called a “silent killer. “ Age, lifestyle choices, underlying medical conditions, genetics, and lifestyle decisions all have a role in the formation of high blood pressure. Sedentary behavior, poor diet, obesity, smoking, binge drinking, and ongoing stress are a few major risk factors.

Ayurveda and High Blood Pressure

Ayurveda approaches high blood pressure as an imbalance in the Pitta and Vata doshas. Vata is the element of air and ether, whereas Pitta is the element of fire and water. An imbalance in these doshas may cause hypertension. Consuming spicy, salty, and sour meals in excess can aggravate Pitta and raise blood pressure. Similar to this, an unbalanced Vata dosha can result in hypertension by interfering with the blood’s normal flow. Ayurveda focuses on using herbal remedies and lifestyle changes to bring these doshas back into balance.

Ayurvedic Remedies to Manage High Blood Pressure 

The Ayurvedic remedies to manage high blood pressure include various herbal remedies like ashwagandha, tulsi, garlic, honey, arjuna, triphala, and amla. 

  • Ashwagandha: Filled with adaptogens, this herb supports the body’s ability to manage stress and anxiety. It is consumed as a blend in water and is said to relax the mind. The Ayurvedic experts recommend taking the powdered form daily.
  • Tulsi: Because of its abundance of antioxidants, it aids in blood pressure regulation. You can either chew on the Tulsi leaves or drink the tea.
  • Garlic: It contains medicinal properties that help lower blood pressure. You may relieve the symptoms by consuming raw cloves daily. has both Ayurvedic and sacred importance. 
  • Arjuna: Consuming Arjuna lowers the amount of plaque that accumulates in blood vessels. The powdered form of arjuna can be used to treat hypertension. However, make sure you eat it on an empty stomach.
  • Triphala: The anti-inflammatory qualities of this herb provide the body with multiple benefits. It regulates hypertension and lessens the burden on the blood vessels.
  • Amla: It contains compounds that expand blood vessels and lower high blood pressure. It can either be consumed raw or used as a juice. 
  • Ajwain: It controls raised blood pressure levels. After eating, you may benefit from taking a pinch of raw ajwain, as it helps to regulate the action of stress hormones, which lowers tension and finally regulates blood pressure.

P.s. – The aforementioned natural drugs should only be consumed after a certified Ayurvedic doctor’s consultation and prescription.

Ayurvedic treatment for high blood pressure includes lifestyle modifications and diets. Maintaining a heart-healthy diet is essential for controlling high blood pressure. Fresh, complete, easily digested foods are advised by Ayurveda. Eat a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, veggies, and healthy fats. Steer clear of processed foods, too much salt, coffee, and alcohol.

Foods that help reduce high blood pressure

  • Citrus Fruits: Fruits with a high vitamin C content, such as citrus fruits, lower the chance of high blood pressure. Fruits high in vitamins that lower blood pressure includes strawberries, kiwis, oranges, and guava.
  • Pumpkin seeds: The high magnesium levels in pumpkin seeds contribute to lowering blood pressure.
  • Berries: The flavonoids present in berries aid in the reduction of hypertension, hence lowering the body’s blood pressure.
  • Bananas: Rich in fiber and potassium, they aid in keeping blood pressure levels stable. 
  • Sweet potatoes: High in potassium, these potatoes aid in regulating the body’s sodium levels to the proper range. The blood pressure levels are balanced as a result.
  • Pomegranate
  • Raisins
  • Dates
  • walnuts

Physical activity and exercisexercise

Frequent exercise lowers blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health. Spend at least 30 minutes a day doing moderate exercise, such as swimming, cycling, or brisk walking. Yoga and meditation are also helpful for lowering tension and promoting relaxation. High blood pressure is a result of prolonged stress. Ayurveda places great emphasis on the benefits of self-care practices like oil massages and warm baths, as well as stress-reduction strategies like mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises.

Alveda and its significance 

Alveda, a pioneering Ayurvedic wellness brand, stands as a trailblazer in advocating comprehensive health solutions. Its unwavering commitment to well-being is evident through a diverse range of Ayurvedic remedies crafted specifically to address the patient’s concerns. From personalized remedies to herbal ones supporting overall wellbeing, Alveda stands as a natural haven for people seeking holistic alternatives.

Online Ayurveda Consultations

In the contemporary hustle and bustle, convenience is paramount. Alveda recognizes this need and provides online Ayurvedic consultations, enabling people to access personalized advice from experienced Ayurvedic practitioners within the comforts of their homes. Booking a free pre-online consultation with Alveda presents a valuable opportunity for discussing individual health concerns and receiving expert guidance on seamlessly integrating Ayurveda into one’s lifestyle. The digital age has revolutionized healthcare services, and Alveda exemplifies this transformation by offering online consultations. This virtual platform empowers people across Europe to connect with experienced Indian Ayurvedic doctors, fostering a holistic approach to health. Through these online sessions, individuals can openly discuss their concerns, obtain personalized advice, and gain insights into Ayurvedic practices tailored to their unique needs.

Book Your Free Pre-Online Consultation

Alveda distinguishes itself by offering a complimentary pre-online consultation, allowing individuals to experience the benefits of Ayurveda firsthand. This initiative facilitates an understanding of how Ayurveda aligns with individual health goals. It serves as an opportunity to book your free-pre online consultation and explore the holistic approach, seek answers to queries, and make informed decisions about integrating Ayurveda into their wellness journey.

Ayurveda offers a significant viewpoint on managing high blood pressure because of its holistic approach. Sustaining ideal blood pressure levels can be facilitated by combining dietary changes, lifestyle improvements, and dosha-aligned herbal supplementation. To tailor these methods to specific needs and medical circumstances, it is imperative to speak with a licensed Ayurvedic practitioner. Including Ayurvedic principles in your daily practice can be a good step toward maintaining overall wellbeing over the long run.
